S.A. „CET-Nord”
0231 91-000

О нас

О нас

Brief information

JSC "CET-Nord" is a fully state-owned enterprise with the status of a public interest entity, under the administration of the Public Property Agency and subordinated to the Ministry of Energy. The company plays a strategic role in the implementation of government policies in the energy sector, with the main objective of ensuring an efficient and sustainable energy system.

As the main producer of electricity through cogeneration and the supplier of thermal energy in Balti municipality, JSC "CET-Nord" contributes significantly to regional energy security, providing essential services to consumers and supporting the development of energy infrastructure at national level.

The Company's vision is to become a model company thanks to its innovative people, reliable services, reputation for integrity and professional excellence, to its performance in achieving environmental and safety standards.

Our mission consists in satisfying the demands of consumers by providing competitive products and services of centralized thermal energy supply under conditions of continuous growth of performance and efficiency, as well as increasing the weight in the energy balance of the country.

For a more productive activity, the company was implemented the integrated management system. It was certified by the TÜV Thüringen Certification Bodies Germany, according to international standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems;
  • ISO 50001:2018 – Energy Management Systems;
  • ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems;
  • ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems;

and by RINA SIMTEX, a member of IQNET, according to the requirements of the standard

  • ISO 37001:2016 – Anti-Bribery Management Systems.

JSC "CET-Nord" is an enterprise for which its consumers are a priority and which develops dynamically ensuring a more ecological and comfortable environment. In order to achieve these objectives, we are carrying out the modernization project of the heating system - " Heating System of Bălți Municipality (S.A. "CET-Nord")", which involves the reconstruction of the heating system within the residential blocks by replacing the outdated vertical distribution systems with new horizontal distribution systems of thermal energy with individual metering of apartments.

With over 68 years of experience and a team of hundreds of professionals, we provide Warmth, Comfort and Safety to thousands of Bălți residents.

Caracteristici tehnice ale utilajului de producere

Utilajul de producere (grupa 1). Cazane și turbine

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
Puterea instalată a generatoarelor electrice - 24 MW
Putere termică instalată - 142 Gcal/h
Trei tipuri de cazane energetice:
  • 2 cazane ГМ-40/39
  • 3 cazane БКЗ-75/39
  • 1 cazan БКЗ-75/39 ГМА-2
2 turbine:
  • ПТ-12/35-10M
2 generatoare
  • TГ-12-2

De bază - gaze naturale
Rezervă - nu dispunem de combustibil de rezervă


Utilajul de producere (grupa 2). Motoare cu ardere internă

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
Puterea instalată a generatoarelor electrice - 13,4 MW
Putere termică instalată - 10,75 Gcal/h
4 motoare pe ardere internă: J620GS-J01 gaze naturale 2 CAZANE STATIA NOUA

Centrala Termică „Molodovo”

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
  • 4 cazane de tip universal - 0,5 Gcal/h
  • 1 cazan de apă fierbinte CS650 - 650 kW

Centrala Termică „Feroviarilor”

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
  • 3 cazane de tip BIASI NTN-AP-2000 - 5156 kW
gaze naturale  IMG_3355-min_2.JPG

Centrala Termică „Krîlov”

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
  • 2 cazane de tip КСВ-0,63 „ВК-34” - 1202 kW
gaze naturale  IMG_2829-min.JPG

Centrala Termică „Arbore”

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
  • 3 cazane de tip LECTUS 90 - 252,6 kW
gaze naturale  IMG_2919-min.JPG

Centrala Termică „Sorocii”

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
  • 2 cazane de tip RMG-110 Mk.II - 196 kW
gaze naturale  Str.Soroca.jpg

Centrala Termică „Dubinovschi”

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
  • 2 cazane de tip RMG-129 Mk.II - 232 kW
gaze naturale  IMG_2777-min_1.JPG

Centrala Termică „Hajdău”

Caracteristici tehniceEchipament de producereCombustibil 
  • 2 cazane de tip RMG-110 Mk.II - 195 kW
gaze naturale  IMG_3161-min.JPG


Year Report Financial statements The issuer's announcements
2024 The activity report of the Executive Body for the 9 months of 2024    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the second trimester 2024    
Report for the first semester of 2024    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2024    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first trimester 2024 Financial statements for the first semester of 2024  
2023 2023 Annual report of public interest entities  JSC CET-Nord     
The activity report of the Executive Body for the 2023 year Financial statements for 2023 The issuer's announcement in the press 2023
The activity report of the Executive Body for the second trimester 2023    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2023    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first trimester 2023 Financial statements for the first semester of 2023  
2022 2022 Annual report of public interest entities  JSC CET-Nord     
The activity report of the Executive Body for the 2022 year Financial statements for 2022 The issuer's announcement in the press 2022
Report for the first semester of 2022 Financial statements for the first semester of 2022  
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2022    
2021 2021 Annual report of public interest entities  JSC CET-Nord  Financial statements for 2021 The issuer's announcement in the press 2021
The activity report of the Executive Body for the 2021    
Report for the first semester of 2021 Financial statements for the first semester of 2021  
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2021    
2020 2020 Annual report of public interest entities JSC CET-Nord  Financial statements for 2020 The issuer's announcement in the press 2020
The report of the executive body for 2020    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2020    
Report for the first semester of 2020     
Report of the public interest entity CET-Nord SA for the first semester of 2020    
2019 2019 annual report of public interest entities CET-Nord SA Financial statements for 2019 The issuer's announcement in the press 2019
Отчет исполнительного органа за 2019 год   The issuer's announcement in the press
Independent auditor's report as of December 31, 2019    
Отчет исполнительного органа за I семемтр 2019 года    
Report for the first semester 2019    
2018 Annual report 2018 of public interest entities CET-Nord SA Financial statements for 2018  
Independent auditor's report as of December 31, 2018    
The report of the executive body for 2018    
The report of the executive body for the first semester of 2018    
2017 Report of the executive body for 2017 Financial statements for 2017  
Report of the executive body for the first semester of 2017    
2016 Report of the executive body for 2016 Financial statements for 2016  
Report of the executive body for the first semester of 2016    
2015 Report of the executive body for 2015 Financial statements for 2015  
Report of the executive body for the first semester of 2015    

Лаборатория металлов

 Лаборатория металлов АО «Чет-Норд» была создана в 2001 году для проведения систематического неразрушающего контроля на основном и вспомогательном оборудовании предприятия. Основными видами контроля, применяемыми на предприятии, являются:

  • акустический метод контроля;
  • контроль проникающими веществами.

Персонал лаборатории проходит периодическую проверку знаний в Институте имени Патона г. Киев, согласно «Правилам аттестации специалистов неразрушающего контроля» и имеет 2ой уровень квалификации с правом контроля и выдачи заключений в указанных методах контроля.

Для проведения ультразвуковой толщинометрии используются толщиномеры марки:

  • УТ-93П
  • UT-300

Для проведения ультразвуковой дефектоскопии сварочных соединений используется современный ультразвуковой дефектоскоп марки УДС РДМ-34.

Контроль проникающими веществами осуществляется дефектоскопическим набором высококачественных расходных материалов известной германской фирмы MR “Chemie”

Основные виды дефектов:

  • трещины любых видов и направлений, расположенные в металле шва, по линии сплавления и в околошовной зоне основного металла;
  • непровары (несплавления), расположенные у поверхности и по сечению сварного соединения (между основным металлом и швом, а также между отдельными валиками и слоями);
  • незаваренные (или не полностью заваренные) прожоги;
  • свищи;
  • непровары в корне шва в стыках, сваренных с остающимся подкладным кольцом или расплавляемой вставкой;
  • остаточная толщина изделия.

На основании лицензии, выданной Национальным центром по Аккредитации, лаборатория металлов имеет право проверять следующие объекты, подведомственные Органу по промышленной безопасности:

  • Паровые котлы с давлением выше 0,07 Mpa и водогрейные котлы с температурой воды выше 115ºС
  • Паровые котлы и водогрейные котлы с давлением до 4,0 Mpa
  • Паровые котлы и водогрейные котлы с давлением выше 4,0 Mpa
  • Сосуды с давлением выше 0,07 Mpa
  • Трубопроводы пара и горячей воды с давлением выше 0,07 Mpa и температурой воды выше 115ºС
  • Резервуары для нефти и нефтепродуктов
  • Технологические трубопроводы

Поверочная метрологическая лаборатория

Поверочная Метрологическая Лаборатория АО «ЧЕТ-НОРД» (ПМЛ) была создана исходя из требований стандарта Молдовы по метрологии SM8–19:2005 и насущной необходимости усилить контроль за точностью измерений приборов учёта теплоэнергии  в  м.Бэлць.

На базе  ПМЛ были организованы 2 сервис центра по 2 основным типам теплосчетчиков, находящихся на балансе АО “ЧЕТ - НОРД”:

  • Сервис центр №30   ЗАО “НПФ Теплоком”, г.Санкт –Петербург   Россия,
  • Сервис центр ЧУП “Дойлид-С”, р. Беларусь.

Это означает, что АО «ЧЕТ-НОРД» является дистрибьютором продукции этих фирм и осуществляет гарантийный и пост-гарантийный ремонт, при этом запчасти для приборов и сами приборы учета теплоэнергии  поступают по сниженным ценам.

Для оснащения ПМЛ было приобретено современное автоматизированное метрологическое оборудование:

  1. Установка поверочная расходомерная УПР – 50 -- предназначена для поверки, калибровки и градуировки водосчетчиков, теплосчетчиков и расходомеров жидкости. Установка разработана, изготовлена и смонтирована КОЭЗ «Прибор» Госстандарта РФ.  Установка оснащена образцовыми приборами ведущих мировых производителей средств измерений Mettler Toledo и Krоhne.

Диаметр условного прохода поверяемых приборов Ду--   10 – 50 мм,

Расход измеряемой среды     --   от 0,01 до 50   м3/ч.

Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности установки  (%) :

  • при измерении объёма поверочной жидкости эталонными счетчиками - расходомерами ± 0,15,
  • при измерении объёма поверочной жидкости весами ± 0,05.
  1. Для поверки термометров сопротивления (из состава теплосчетчиков), а также термопар и стеклянных жидкостных термометров 1,2,3 классов точности были приобретены жидкостные переливные термостаты (криостаты) серии ТПП–1, предназначенные для воспроизведения температур в диапазоне -40…+2300С.

Термостаты также позволяют автоматизировать процесс поверки с использованием компьютера.

В Поверочной Метрологической Лаборатории АО «ЧЕТ-Норд» организован контрольно-поверочный пункт Бэлцкого Центра Стандартизации и Метрологии.

Производственные мощности

Основным видом деятельности АО «CET-Nord» является выработка и обеспечение потребителей тепловой и электрической энергией. Использование в практических целях отработаного пара, вращающего электрические генераторы, является отличительной особенностью теплоэлектроцентралей.

Основные характеристики:

  • Установленная электрическая мощность - 37,4 МВт.
  • Установленная тепловая мощность - 153,0 Гкал/час.
  • Режим работы - когенерационный (теплофикационный).
  • Схема теплоснабжения - закрытая.

Газопоршневые установки (ГПУ):

  • Jenbacher JMS 620 GS J01 ст.№ 4 - электрическая мощность - 3,4 МВт, тепловая мощность - 3.1 МВт.
  • Jenbacher JMS 620 GS J01 ст.№ 5 - электрическая мощность - 3,4 МВт, тепловая мощность - 3.1 МВт.
  • Jenbacher JMS 620 GS J01 ст.№ 6 - электрическая мощность - 3,4 МВт, тепловая мощность - 3.1 МВт.
  • Jenbacher JMS 620 GS J01 ст.№ 7 - электрическая мощность - 3,4 МВт, тепловая мощность - 3.1 МВт.

Паровые котлоаггрегаты:

  • Котлоагрегат (ГМ-40/39) ст.№ 2 - 40 т/ч.
  • Котлоагрегат (ГМ-40/39) ст.№ 3 - 40 т/ч.
  • Котлоагрегат (БКЗ-75/39) ст.№ 4 - 75 т/ч.
  • Котлоагрегат (БКЗ-75/39) ст.№ 5 - 75 т/ч.
  • Котлоагрегат (БКЗ-75/39) ст.№ 6 - 75 т/ч.
  • Котлоагрегат (БКЗ-75/39 ГМА-2) ст.№ 7 - 75 т/ч.

Тепловые сети: общая протяжённость 205,7 км.

  • Магистральные сети - 92,6 км.
  • Внутриквартальные - 113,1 км.


  • Турбоаггрегат (ПТ-12/35) ст.№ 1 - 12 МВт.
  • Турбоаггрегат (ПТ-12/35) ст.№ 3 - 12 МВт.


  • Основное - природный газ.
  • Резервное - мазут.


  • Генератор (Т2-12-2) ст.№ 1 - 12 МВт.
  • Генератор (Т2-12-2) ст.№ 3 - 12 МВт.

В состав ТЭЦ входит и котельная "Молодово", построеная в 2001 году.

  • Водогрейные котлы (универсал) 4 шт - 2 Гкал/ч.
  • Водогрейный котёл CS 650 1 шт - 650 кВт.
  • Схема теплоснабжения – закрытая.
  • Топливо – основное - биомасса (пеллеты), резервное - уголь.

Our History

The first turbo-generator with a capacity of 4 MW and the steam boiler №1 with a productivity of 20 t / h were put into operation.
The №2 turbo-generator with a capacity of 4 MW and the № 2 and 3 steam boilers with a productivity of 20 t / h were put into operation. Fuel - coal.
The turbo-generator №3 with a capacity of 12 MW and the steam boilers № 4, 5 with the productivity of 75 t / h were put into operation, and in 1968 the steam boiler №6 with the productivity of 75 t / h. Fuel - fuel oil. With the start of the №3 turbo-generator, started the development of the centralized heating supply in Balti.
The water boilers with a thermal capacity of 100 Gcal/h were put into operation: BK № 1 - 1970, BK № 2 - 1973, BK № 3 - 1986, BK № 3 - 1988. The thermal capacity of the North Power and Heat Generating Station was 586,5 Gcal/h.
The №1,2 turbines were transferred to work at low vacuum with the increase of the thermal capacity of each turbine up to 12 Gcal/h.
The №3 turbine was modified by working with backpressure and excluding the production of electricity on the condensing cycle.
The steam boilers № 1, 2, 3 were modified to burn fuel oil and to increase the productivity of each boiler from 20 to 40 t/h.
Steam boilers № 4, 5, 6 were rebuilt, increasing the productivity of each from 75 to 100 t/h.
The steam boilers №1-7 and the water boilers №1-4 were modified for the consumption of natural gas, at the same time the fuel pumping station was put into operation, in addition two tanks were installed to keep it of 5000 m3 each, which allows the company to have fuel oil reserves for 20 days at maximum load.
The №7 steam boiler with a capacity of 75 t / h was put into operation. In previous years, the company has accomplished a very important task by introducing new capabilities and rebuilding the machine in order to increase safety and efficiency.
The exchange of the number 3 turbine was carried out, where the working resources expired, with the turbine of type ПТ-12-35, capacity of 12 MW.
The turbo-aggregates № 1, 2, where the working resources expired was replaced by the turbo-aggregates of type ПТ-12-35 with a capacity of 12 MW. The foundation for the turbo-aggregates № 1,2 was built.
3 noiembrie 1997
JSC „CET-Nord” is founded in connection with the reorganization of the enterprise „Moldelectrica”.
According to the Government Decision of the Republic of Moldova № 415 of May 2, 2000, to the JSC „CET-Nord” was transmitted the sector of thermal networks Balti.
Turbine № 3 has been entered from the cooling method of the water-circulating condenser at low vacuum.
All distribution connections have been equipped with electronic meters for the commercial calculation of electricity and heat.
The PT-12-35 turbo-aggregates with a capacity of 12 MW in low vacuum operation was installed and put into operation.
A metrology lab with modern equipment was built for verification of heat consumption meters.
The project thermal Power System of Balti was initiated in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
A state-of-the-art thermal power plant for cogeneration was put into operation.

The form of organization of the enterprise

1957 – 1960
Balti power plant
1960 - 1963
The thermoelectric power plant Balti
1963 – 1963
The thermoelectric power plant Balti, part of the Moldglavenergo enterprises
1992 – 1997
Centrala termoelectrică Bălți, în componența companiei de stat „Moldenergo”
1997- prezent
Joint Stock Company CET-Nord

The Enterprise's Managers

Grigorii Locșin Iurii Zabuslaev Ivan Corceaghin Boris Rîcov Victor Adamov Valerii Usatîi Alexei Doronin Alexei Doronin Alexei Doronin Alexandr Zazulin Petru Axenti Ion Galagan Marian Brînza


Petru Axenti Petru Axenti, former CET-Nord director since January 1999 – April 2012. He was born in 1952 in Calarasi, Republic of Moldova. He graduated from the mechanization faculty of the Chisinau Agricultural Institute (1974). He worked for the mechanization and electrification company in the district of Glodeni. He was the director of state farm Cotovschi in Sadovoe village. Petru Axenti had been appointed as head of CET-Nord in a tough time for the enterprise and it was noted by initiating the process of installing electronic meters for the commercial calculation of electricity and heat on all distribution machines and he initiated the process of upgrading thermal and electrical energy production equipment.

Alexandr Zazulin Alexandru Zazulin, has worked since September 1990 – November 2014 as chief engineer at the CET-Nord. He was born in 1948 in Balti. He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute and performed his PhD at the Communication Institute in Odessa. He began his activity in the energy sector in 1969, occupying positions in the Substations Service of the Northern Electricity Networks. In 1990 he was appointed as chief engineer at CET-Nord. Under the leadership of Alexandru Zazulin was successfully accomplished one of the stages of the technical reconstruction of the undertaking which involved Installation and commissioning of the PT-12-35 turbo-aggregate, with a capacity of 12 MW in low vacuum activity, which increased the production capacity and the efficiency of the plant. At the initiative of the chief engineer in 2007 was started the construction of a metrology laboratory to check the heat meters. Between 1998 and 1999, Alexandru Zazulin held the position of interim director of CET-Nord.

Lica GuțuLica Guțu, head of the CET-Nord chemical department from January 1975 to November 2019. He graduated from the chemistry faculty of the State University of Chisinau. Six years after he became head of the department, he initiated the construction of the water-purification plant, which was put into operation in October 1980. In 1988, the sludge compaction station, which is still active today, was put into operation. Lica Guțu has one of the longest-lived and most dedicated department heads of the enterprise, working in this position for more than four decades.