S.A. „CET-Nord”
0231 91-000


Year Report Financial statements The issuer's announcements
2024 The activity report of the Executive Body for the first trimester 2024    
2023 2023 Annual report of public interest entities  JSC CET-Nord     
The activity report of the Executive Body for the 2023 year Financial statements for 2023 The issuer's announcement in the press 2023
The activity report of the Executive Body for the second trimester 2023    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2023    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first trimester 2023 Financial statements for the first semester of 2023  
2022 2022 Annual report of public interest entities  JSC CET-Nord     
The activity report of the Executive Body for the 2022 year Financial statements for 2022 The issuer's announcement in the press 2022
Report for the first semester of 2022 Financial statements for the first semester of 2022  
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2022    
2021 2021 Annual report of public interest entities  JSC CET-Nord  Financial statements for 2021 The issuer's announcement in the press 2021
The activity report of the Executive Body for the 2021    
Report for the first semester of 2021 Financial statements for the first semester of 2021  
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2021    
2020 2020 Annual report of public interest entities JSC CET-Nord  Financial statements for 2020 The issuer's announcement in the press 2020
The report of the executive body for 2020    
The activity report of the Executive Body for the first semester of 2020    
Report for the first semester of 2020     
Report of the public interest entity CET-Nord SA for the first semester of 2020    
2019 2019 annual report of public interest entities CET-Nord SA Financial statements for 2019 The issuer's announcement in the press 2019
Отчет исполнительного органа за 2019 год   The issuer's announcement in the press
Independent auditor's report as of December 31, 2019    
Отчет исполнительного органа за I семемтр 2019 года    
Report for the first semester 2019    
2018 Annual report 2018 of public interest entities CET-Nord SA Financial statements for 2018  
Independent auditor's report as of December 31, 2018    
The report of the executive body for 2018    
The report of the executive body for the first semester of 2018    
2017 Report of the executive body for 2017 Financial statements for 2017  
Report of the executive body for the first semester of 2017    
2016 Report of the executive body for 2016 Financial statements for 2016  
Report of the executive body for the first semester of 2016    
2015 Report of the executive body for 2015 Financial statements for 2015  
Report of the executive body for the first semester of 2015