S.A. „CET-Nord”
0231 91-000

Payments and Invoicing

Through the service you can pay the bill for the heat supply services.

ON-LINE payment



I. The household consumers (individuals) can use the service "On-line payment"  by entering their personal account details; 

II. The non-household consumers (individuals) can use the service "On-line payment"  by entering the number of their contract for the heat supply services;

Payment of bills for the heat supply services can be made by using:

  • Online with the banking framework through the payment methods offered by the commercial banks of the Republic of Moldova: Moldindconbank, Victoriabank, Moldova-Agroindbank, FinComBank, Comerțbank, Eximbank, Mobiasbanca, EuroCreditBank
  • Online with your bank card, accessing the Paynet website
  • Online through your wallet by accessing the RunPay, Paynet and Qiwi web pages
  • Physically with the banking framework at the ATMs of the commercial banks of the Republic of Moldova: Moldindconbank, Victoriabank, Moldova-Agroindbank, FinComBank, Comerțbank, Eximbank,
  • Mobiasbanca, EuroCreditBank
  • Physically at RunPay, Paynet and Qiwi payment terminals
  • Physically at the "Post Office of Moldova" offices.