491ИТП. Распределение теплоносителя по горизонтали. Горячая вода/en/content_page/item/491-itp-raspredelenie-teplonositelya-po-gorizontali-goryachaya-voda-2
Современное решение отопления от CET-Nord SA, дает большую экономичность, независимость и безопасность благодаря установке в подвале многоэтажного дома Индивидуального Теплового Пункта и системе ...
350Modernization of thermal networks operated by „CET-Nord” SA/en/content_page/item/350-modernizatsiya-teplovykh-setej-cet-nord-sa-cet-nord-sa
The thermal networks of SACET operated by "CET-Nord" SA are obsolete, worn out and cause large losses of heat and water. They need urgent rehabilitation and modernisation work. In order to prevent ...
349We're modernizing for your comfort/en/content_page/item/349-provodim-modernizatsiyu-dlya-tvoego-komforta
The company "CET-Nord" SA, the largest heat supplier in Balti successfully implemented the project "The thermal energy system of Balti" and evolved to a new stage of electricity and heat production ...
In accordance with the Law No. 92 of 29-05-2014, the National Agency for Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova approves regulated tariffs for heat production. Решение НАРЭ №604 от 29.10.2024 ...
315Payments and Invoicing/en/content_page/item/315-oplatit-schet-fakturu
Through the service you can pay the bill for the heat supply services. ON-LINE payment Number of personal account/Number of contract: NOTE: I. The household consumers (individuals) can use the ...