Conform pct.44 al HG 281 din 17.04.2024 anual, până la data de 1 octombrie, locatarii, asociațiile de proprietari în condominium și/sau gestionarii blocurilor locative au obligația de a prezenta ...
In recent years the employees of "CET-Nord" SA have initiated several social campaigns. They participated in fundraisings for medical institutions, blood donations and charities. To familiarize the ...
The modern heating solution, promoted by CET-Nord SA, is more economical, offers independence and safety, thanks to the installation in the basement of the block of the Individual Thermal Point and ...
Современное решение отопления от CET-Nord SA, дает большую экономичность, независимость и безопасность благодаря установке в подвале многоэтажного дома Индивидуального Теплового Пункта и системе ...